New Season, Same God

New Season, Same God

How was your summer? What did it bring for you?

Were you resting and rejuvenating? Going hard at it in work and home projects? Struggling to make it through under a heavy burden?

What are you most excited about for this new season? What is causing you the most anxiety or fear?

Take a pause, and answer the questions honestly.

With every new season, so many things change and change can cause significant anxiety in all of us. And yet- the One who has been faithful and with us in the past will be no different in this new season.

For us on See Hear Love, we are in great anticipation of the meaningful conversations and relationships we will forget in this new season. And yet also for me, the details of juggling the show itself with everything else on my plate this Fall brings anxiety for me.

It’s weird isn’t it? That somehow, even though we have experienced God’s provision in the past and he has been faithful, somehow we think, “Yeah but this time it’s different. I’m not sure he can be trusted on all the details this time.”

This is why I need to so often go back to the basics of the Bible when anxiety hits. What is the very first verse in Genesis?

“In the beginning GOD created the heavens and the earth….”

And then again at the start of the Gospel of John, the author says that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and became flesh and blood and dwelt among us.

God is the creator of every new things and every new season. He knows and cares for you very intimately, just as he hovered over the waters in creation, he hovers over your circumstances. His very presence is with you.

In this new season, as always- He starts, He will finish, and He is with us in the messy middle.

Who started it? God. Who is with us as we begin a new year? God. Who can be trusted to care for and create with great intention, whatever world we walk into in this new season of life? It is God the Father, Son and Spirit present and breathing life over us.

May the Father bring you courage through his Son Jesus by the power of his Spirit who is always with us, whatever lies ahead. Happy September!

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