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Brooke’s Vlog – The Joy of the Lord is My Strength
Co-Host Brooke shares her thoughts on JOY and the verse in the Bible ‘…the joy of the Lord is your strength!’
God Goes Before Us
What does it mean to live boldly? Perhaps it’s staying put when the urge to run is strongest. Or choosing to push forward despite the fear and obstacles ahead. Having a difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding. Speaking your mind when you prefer to stay silent. Choosing forgiveness. Regardless of how…
To the Naysayers
Hey there all you naysayers, you pessimists, you downtrodden, you complainers, you doomsdayers, you grumpy grumps. I’ve got news for you. There’s a lot of things to be hopeful about in 2017. I know, I know. You’ll point to the news, and talk of terrible wars + diseases spreading +…
The Gift of Girlfriends
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 This week on the show, we discuss our girlfriends. Female friendships can be some of the most nourishing relationships of our…
God’s Faithfulness at Work: The Jefferson Family’s Adoption Story
God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. – Psalm 68:6 Photographer and Just One Fair Trade entrepreneur, Krista Jefferson, joins us this week on See Hear Love to talk about the beautiful story of her daughter’s adoption from Haiti. Adoption holds a special place in…
There Are Dates I Won’t Ever Forget
There are dates I won’t ever forget. May 1, 2011. As a family of four we sat around our kitchen table, held hands and prayed over our application to adopt from Haiti. We had been told it was a two year process and we couldn’t wait to begin this journey God had…
New Season, Same God
New Season, Same God How was your summer? What did it bring for you? Were you resting and rejuvenating? Going hard at it in work and home projects? Struggling to make it through under a heavy burden? What are you most excited about for this new season? What is causing…