God in My Corner

So, I taped a couple of shows for See Hear Love last week.      I’ve done some radio in the last couple of years, but I’ve not done anything filmed in a loooong time. I was all, Am I moving my hands too much? Because the minute the filming light went on, I remembered I used to…

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An Example of Servant Based Leadership

Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant – Matthew 20:26 There is lots of information out there about what it means to be a good leader in the business world. But what does being a leader mean for Christians? This is the upside down Kingdom, after all, where the first…

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Real Housewife and Humanitarian

Joan Kelley Walker: Real Housewife and Humanitarian For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10 Joan Kelley Walker, a speaker, writer, and humanitarian who was featured on the Real Housewives of Toronto, is a woman of many talents. A native of…

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In the Season of Courage

In the Season of Courage Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. – Joshua 1:9 Throughout scripture, God calls us to be courageous. From David to St. Paul, those who were close to…

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September: A New Season!

September: A New Season! by Jen Lawrence Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!          – 2 Corinthians 5:17  At this time of year, I always get a hankering for a set of Mr. Sketch markers, a fleece-lined corduroy jacket, and Charlie’s Angels…

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Change Your Story, Change Your Life

Change Your Story, Change Your Life by Jen Lawrence As human beings, we are built for story. It’s why TV shows are popular, politicians get elected, and retailers don’t just sell you a tablecloth, but the accompanying promise of dining happily with your family at Thanksgiving. Story helps us define our identities and connects us with others. Long before the Internet existed, we…

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My Family Survived 36 Hours Without Wi-Fi

A few months ago, our Wi-Fi died and we were without Internet or television for 36 hours. Yes, that includes Netflix. I’m at the age where I really cannot see anything up close and only use my phone browser in an absolute pinch. And the kids do not have data plans.It was like we were in an episode of Survivor,…

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10 Ways to Feel Better When You’re Down

10 Ways to Feel Better When You’re Down by Jen Lawrence They say that into every life a little rain must fall… Sometimes, however, it pours. If you’ve been struggling lately, here are 10 proven ways to improve your mood.1. Breathe.Genesis 2:7 reads, “Then the LORD God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the…

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Make This Summer About Redemption

Make This Summer About Redemption by Jen Lawrence This blog series has focused on the fun elements of summer, but I know that many of you are going through a season of pain. In this – my final post of the series – I hope to offer some words of comfort to those of you for whom this summer…

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Make This Summer About Having Fun

Make This Summer About Having Fun by Jen Lawrence I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance  [to the full, till it overflows]. – John 10:10 (AMP) Christians sometimes get a bad rap for not having any fun, but God wants our lives to be joyful. Jesus tells the…

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