Women With Swords

Women with Swords

In this week’s Motivational Monday (Episode 27) we’re looking at 2 Timothy 1:7, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”

The Bible (also known as the scriptures or God’s Word), is described in Ephesians 6 as the “sword of the Spirit” that can slice through and attack our enemy’s lies with the Truth.

This Spirit of God that Timothy is talking about moves us from fear and timidity to strength, power, love, and self-discipline- not unlike what would develop in a young warrior training in sword fighting.

Our sword is the Bible. We train and build muscles and muscle memory to engage the world around us with who we are in Christ, not out of a place of being slaves to our old sin nature and Satan’s power. God’s very own Spirit is training and developing us in loving strength and determination.

How can we train? How can we become less fearful? By knowing how to use and picking up our sword regularly. What I mean by this is reading the Bible, studying its meaning, and memorizing its truth so that it becomes more and more like muscle memory to use when we pull it out to use it.

All day long we hear lies about who we are and why we are not enough. We must pick up our swords and slice through those lies.

Here’s a good place to start:

  1. Daily Affirmations from the Bible of what God says about you that is true. You can write your own or try something like this: https://openblog.life.church/the-power-of-personal-declarations/
  2. Memorize verses that strengthen you and build you up in love so that you can pull them out as a tool to use when needed throughout the day. Here are a few to start with: http://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/short-bible-verses/

Women with Swords become unstoppable in Jesus’ name!

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