A Voice For Autism

A Voice for Autism

For children and adults with autism, advocating for themselves can be a huge obstacle; particularly for those who are non-verbal. They are a vulnerable sector of our community that need advocacy  from others who come along side them to see resources and education developed for the autistic community.

This is what Autism Awareness Month is about. I am so grateful we’ve had the opportunity this week to engage with the conversation of families who are living with autistic children or children with other special needs, as with every conversation, the person with autism gains strength to their voice and allies in their corner. I am particularly challenged this week to provide strength and support to the caregivers and families of those with autism, as they are on the front lines of care 24 hours a day.

A note, a phone call, a drop by, a meal, and simple presence can go a long way to be with others in their need. Even more so, prayer support is life-changing and brings fuel to carry on. Even if we feel like we don’t know very much yet about autism, we can be advocates through our increasing awareness for the growing needs for families with an autistic child in our communities and in our churches. The rates of autism are increasing, so the need for an active voice of advocacy and support is also increasing.

Would you stop right now and pray for the children and families affected by autism in your church, your school, or your neighbourhood? Ask God to show you one practical thing you can do this Autism Awareness Month to encourage them and bring voice to this issue.

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