Take Me To Church

Take me to Church… In continuing with our guest question of ‘See Hear & Love’ in their own Church contexts, Kassandra & Karra’s answers encouraged me to get out and do something. I just love how we covered seniors, youth, worship and communications in this conversation. Everywhere we turn, people are need to know they are seen, heard & loved not just by us but by Christ, especially.

What stood out to me in this episode is Kassandra’s passion for loving on seniors. We so often forget that there are needs among seniors in our own city. Thank you for reminding us Kassandra and encouraging us to do something about it. I, for one, want to now get a dog I can use for therapy! [Shout out to Therapy Tails]

I’ll be honest, after spending some time with Karra, I’m convicted of my assumptions toward youths. I also remember being a youth (it wasn’t that long ago) and thinking, ‘I wish older people would take my struggles seriously.’ All I can say is how easy it is to forget who you were and selfishly choose to only live in your current frame of mind. Karra’s story of the grade 10 boy who was impacted so greatly by a small gesture prompted by God, really snapped me out it. Everyone is searching for God’s love – everyone has pain & frustrations. Life, as we like to call this, does not discriminate against age.

Then we have creative communicator Jo. Let me just say that I am so grateful for the minds of people like Joanna. The beautiful creativity with words, graphics, social media…all of it! I have so much respect for this beautiful woman who pulls amazing ideas out of thin air. Thank you Joanna for all you do, for the show, for the church, all of it.

The CHURCH…now that is another topic we discuss. Trust me, you are going to want to watch the episode for this one. Kassandra hits the nail on the head when she calls out those people who may have been hurt by the church and reminds us that the church is run by humans. These humans/’the church’ needs to have grace extended to them the same way God has extended grace to us. WHAM! How’s that for a #slapinthefaith (coined by yours truly).

Well thank you Karra, Kassandra & Joanna for your insight, encouragement & for all you do to help build the Bride of Christ!

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