Life Sucks Sometimes, God is Good – Which Will You Choose?

‘Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’ – Philippians 1:6

You know, here on See Hear Love, we do not play dumb that life isn’t all rainbows & butterflies. We have all lived it, really lived it. In fact, we know that life flat out sucks sometimes. However, we also know…after learning the hard way most of the time, that God is still good and He is will working through it all.

Now, here is something you NEED to know. God does not cause things to happen so He gets glory in the end. God did not cause Heather to get cancer. Christa Black Gifford was the first person to open my eyes to this: We often put God’s allowance on the same level as God’s approval. Quite often, we partner with the Accuser in blaming God for the bad things that happen in our life.

The Bible though, the TRUE Word of God, tells us that He will complete the good work in us and it also tells us in Romans 8:28 ‘that in all things God works for the good of those who love him…’

I really loved how Dr. Merry Lin, on today’s episode, shared how she needs to let herself go through the emotions that come when life throws her curveballs. I am the same way. When injustice, tragedy or heartbreak occurs, I feel all the feels and let them happen – sorrow, grief, anger (I detest this phase), relief, grief again…etc. In fact, it is healthy for you to allow yourself to go through these phases freely. Please know, there is no expectation here for you to be perfect. You can be real with us. Just know, in the midst of those emotions, God is there with you.

So, as my friend Madison Boland asks, ‘life sucks (sometimes), God is good – which point will you focus on today?’ Let’s focus on our good God – who will take whatever situation you are in right now, and, in the end, use it for good.

Remember what Joanna said, ‘If you’re not dead, you’re not done.’

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