I’m Sticking With God … He’s All I’ve Got Left

“God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great is your faithfulness!  I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.” – Lamentations 3:22

There have been many times in my life where I’ve questioned God’s plans for my life.

In the summer of 2017 my husband and I packed up our mini van and drove down to Nashville, TN. We were pinching ourselves the entire ride down because we couldn’t believe God had opened the door to such a big opportunity; recording my new record with some big producers in the greatest city of all time.

This was a big trip, also very expensive.  We took all our savings and decided to invest it into what we thought would be a career breaking opportunity for me. We got down there and within the first 24 hours I started to feel vocally fatigued. We tried over and over to lay vocals in this dream studio; but my voice just wouldn’t have it.  We drove back to Toronto after that week had ended feeling so discouraged. Why would God open the door to such a great thing, then make it so hard and discouraging for us? We didn’t leave Nashville with any sort of magical experience or even a new record in hand for that matter.

Fast forward to January 2018, months after we took this trip. We faced one road block after another; not only did my voice not gain strength for another few months but my husband was carrying the weight of a full time job that he felt God was calling him out of. The problem was, we had just used all our money on this trip to Nashville months before and we needed him to keep working.  The other problem was that, if he stayed in his job, he was going to have a nervous breakdown.

Life can be hard and come with many questions. One thing I know to be true, is that everyday I have a God who knows my situations and loves me through it. His mercies are new every morning and I know that in the midst of many disappointments, God’s love is steady and unchanging.  Our circumstance doesn’t change the way God loves us; when bad things happen it doesn’t mean that God loves us any less and when good things take place, it doesn’t mean he loves us more. His love is steadfast.

I love the end of this verse in Lamentations that says “I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.” The truth is, He really is all we’ve got. We didn’t get our dream recording from Nashville and my husband ended up walking away from his good paying job to support me in ministry.  This I know, when life knocks us down or leaves us wondering – God’s love for us is like a warm extended hand, inviting us to get back up into daily new beginnings with Him by our side. We fell down and then took a step of faith in obedience when it made zero sense; and guess what? God met us the other side with an abundance of love and faithfulness.

What’s your story? As you look back, can you remember a time when it seemed like you were all alone? When you reached a crossroads and didn’t know what to do?

My encouragement to you is, to stick with God. And just like the Bible promises, He’ll see you through because He who has promised, is faithful. 


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