I’m Sticking With God … He’s All I’ve Got Left

“God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great is your faithfulness!  I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over). He’s all I’ve got left.” – Lamentations 3:22 There have been many times in my life where I’ve questioned God’s plans for my…

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Kimberley’s Favourite Past Show

Picking a favourite See Hear Love show is no small task – let me tell you! Every show has its wealth of inspiration and hope and fun and goodness. I have spent some time re-playing so many of our past shows and have been re-inspired and moved deeply by each of them. But…I did pick…

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A week ago we did the twelve hour road trip from Nashville to Niagara. It was the first time we would step back into our beloved Canada in a year and a half. Crazy, right? You guys – there is just something about going home. I cannot even begin to tell you what going home…

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Hearts and Truth

Join our Just A Canadian Girl in Nashville Co-Host, Kimberley Mitchell, as she shares her thoughts on what we feed our hearts and minds – “garbage in, garbage out”. Pull up a chair and some coffee and let’s start Fri-YAY off together!

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Love and Grace

Join our Just A Canadian Girl in Nashville Co-Host, Kimberley Mitchell, as she shares her thoughts on Girlfriends, Jesus, love and grace – and how they all go together.  

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Loving God and Others

Join our Just A Canadian Girl in Nashville Co-Host, as she shares her thoughts on Loving God and Loving Others and recaps this past week on See Hear Love.

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Hope That We Can Cling To

Join our See Hear Love Nashville Co-Host, Kimberley Mitchell, our Just A Canadian Girl in Nashville, in her kitchen as she shares her heart on the storms in our life, the ‘Son’ that is always shining, and the hope that we can cling to. She might even sing a little, too.

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For Such A Time As This

Just A Canadian Girl in Nashville, Kimberley Mitchell, recaps our week and shares about a little verse in the bible that is stirring her heart  – ‘for such a time as this’. Pull up a chair and join Kim in her kitchen (and maybe grab a diet coke, too!) for some Friday truth and love.

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The Most Beautiful Thing

Just A Canadian Girl in Nashville, Kimberley Mitchell, shares her thoughts on our theme this week – Courage. Join Kim in her kitchen as she opens her heart about real-life experiences and encouragement and how when God is in the courage – it is the most beautiful thing.

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Who Do You Want to Be?

Just A Canadian GIrl in Nashville, Kimberley Mitchell, shares her honest thoughts on our FIRST WEEK back for SEASON TWO – how she’s doing, where she’s at, being a mom … and all that good stuff that Kim loves to talk about. She even challenges US to ask ourselves “Who do you want to be?…

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