Never Too Far from God

This week, we are continuing with the theme of the Easter series, the old is gone, the new is here, based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. We were joined in studio by comedian, playwrite, and actress, Diane Johnstone, who shared with us her life story.

Growing up, and struggling with a broken home, partying, and drug use, Diane at times felt separated from God. She struggled with feelings of guilt and shame and wondered if she was too far removed from God for Him to ever use her life. But of course she wasn’t. And thanks to a conversion moment, where she gave her life to Jesus, she left behind a life of drug use and the sex trade , and found her calling as a comedian who brings people closer to God through humour. She has a strong marriage and a good family life and is proof that our God is the God of beauty from ashes.

If you are in a season where you feel removed from God, know that every day brings a promise to breathe new life into you such as the new life Diane experienced. You are never too far gone for God to redeem your situation. All you need to do is ask Jesus into your heart.

Look at this passage from Luke 15:20, from the parable of the prodigal son: “So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. (NLT)” The wording is key: once the prodigal son decided to return home to his father, his father runs towards him even though his son was still a long way off. If we ask for our Father’s help at any point, he will run towards us no matter how far we have moved away from Him. And he will help us put our lives back together – lovingly and compassionately – no matter how much of a mess we have made.

Ours is the God of new life through Christ. He’s the God who leaves the old ways behind. He’s the God who can redeem any situation, no matter how bad it’s become. If you are in a season of discouragement or despair, use the message of Easter to leave old things behind and embrace the new life promised.


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