Who Told You That? 

I slunk down deep into my armchair and let the defeat wash over me. The tears streamed down my face like a waterfall; Shame had encapsulated my heart- it was all I knew. I wore it daily like a coat and clung to the “security” it provided for me.   “If they only knew what I’ve done, then they would know how disgusting…

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I Am Free

It was dark outside, it was just me and my piano. My bible lay to the right of me and pad of paper and pen to my left. I asked God what He wanted me to write about that night and all I felt was shame. My heart had shifted in a way that I…

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Shame & Redemption

Join Host Melinda Estabrooks, the See Hear Love Team and Special Guest Skye Sealey (a blogger and a woman who is passionate about people discovering their best selves) as they tackle and share about Shame, Redemption and Adoption and HOW to bring shame into the light and experience true freedom! They also talk through Romans…

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A Season of Single Parenting

This week’s show is for all the single parents out there. Kimberley, Robert Beeson, and I were all single parents for 8 years each, so we totally understand your journey. Single parenting is such a hard path. Those who’ve never experienced it have no idea how much strength it requires (and no, your spouse being…

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Never Too Far from God

This week, we are continuing with the theme of the Easter series, the old is gone, the new is here, based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. We were joined in studio by comedian, playwrite, and actress, Diane Johnstone, who shared with us her life story. Growing up, and struggling with a broken home, partying, and drug…

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You Are Valuable by Brenda Drost

This week I had the awesome opportunity to share my story and some encouraging words with the gals over at See Hear Love. It had been a while since someone had asked me about how I came to really surrender my life to Christ.  It took me back to the day… a marked day in…

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Bravery … For Such a Time as This

The theme this week on See Hear Love is bravery. Ironically, I composed most of this blog post from the inside of an MRI machine, trying to distract myself from my aching arm (the IV would not thread) and the noise (MRIs are surprisingly loud.) For me, it’s easy to be brave when things are…

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God Entered Human History To Redeem It

Advent is about waiting for God to act as He has promised. It is a lesson about God’s Providence. The dictionary defines the word Providence as “divine guidance or care.” From a biblical perspective, history is “His Story.” The things that occur in this life are a part of a grander scheme. The Bible teaches…

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Why to What

Join Host Melinda Estabrooks, the See Hear Love team and special guest, Jen Lawrence, as they chat about bouncing back from the hardships of life and how to get back up. They share Biblical truths and skills on how to weather the storms of life and they will empower and encourage you to make courageous…

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Jen Lawrence – September 25th & 27th

Jen Lawrence has been a professional writer for over a decade. She’s written about faith, storytelling, midlife renewal, style, divorce, parenting, critical thinking, and career change for numerous publications, including Today’s Parent and The Toronto Star. She was a pioneering mommy blogger and an editor at Literary Mama. She is the author of Engage the Fox: A Business Fable about Thinking Critically and…

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