Special Feature: How to Keep Your Marriage Strong and Healthy

Whether you are madly in love or struggling to make it work, this Special Feature on Melinda’s podcast Your Story With Melinda will show you how to keep your marriage healthy, strong, and fulfilling. Melinda is joined by Kevin Thompson, a pastor and writer, who knows that great marriages don’t just happen – they’re made intentionally by focusing…

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Make This Summer About Having Fun

Make This Summer About Having Fun by Jen Lawrence I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance  [to the full, till it overflows]. – John 10:10 (AMP) Christians sometimes get a bad rap for not having any fun, but God wants our lives to be joyful. Jesus tells the…

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Make This Summer About Being Present

Make This Summer About Being Present by Jen Lawrence As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by…

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Make This Summer About Family and Friends

Make This Summer About Family and Friends by Jen Lawrence Friends love through all kinds of weather,     and families stick together in all kinds of trouble. – Proverbs 17:17* With the kids out of school and a few long weekends on the horizon, summer is the ideal time to strengthen the bonds with friends…

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Make This Summer About Rest

Make This Summer About Rest by Jen Lawrence By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.” – Genesis 2:2 Around this time of year, one of my favourite passages from scripture is Mark 6:30-31: The apostles gathered around Jesus…

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There’s No Such Thing As Happily Ever After

There’s No Such Thing as Happily Ever After We all know how the story goes in fairy tales: “…and they lived happily ever after.” And a lot of people (especially young women) go into marriage believing that once they’re married everything will work out just like that. No more loneliness, no more lovelessness, no more…

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A Risk Worth Taking

A Risk Worth Taking  I am truly enjoying Dr. Merry Lin this week. She is so down to Earth & holds so much wisdom. I feel like I could speak to her for hours. Maybe she could ‘fix’ me too! Today’s topic is one we could go on forever about – healthy relationships. Most of…

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Q & A with Ann Mainse – Marriage and Relationships

Faith Strong Today

Q & A with Ann Mainse  See Hear Love: Ann, you have some surprising stats about marriage – let us in on these? ANN:  We all know that statistics aren’t very encouraging when it comes to predicting a successful marriage.  In Canada a couple has a 40% chance of getting a divorce before they reach…

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No Shame

No Shame Today’s episodes was definitely one of my favourites to film. Not only are relationships one of my passion topics, but we had Ann Mainse with us! I might have a bit of a #girlcrush. One of my favourite points from today was hearing the top three things each gender needs: Men need: honour…

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