Lauryn Hill and Jully Black

In 1993, one of my favourite movies of all time came out. Sister Act 2. You know, the all time best feel good make you get up and dance and sing and change the world quintessential 90s movie? This is where my already forming of Lauryn Hill from the Fugees, star of Sister Act 2,…

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Empowered in My Skin

A true Canadian Icon, Named as one of ‘The 25 Greatest Canadian Singers Ever,’ dubbed ‘Canada’s Queen of R&B,’ Platinum-selling, Juno Award winning recording artist … Ms. Jully Black!!!!! IN.OUR.STUDIO. Singing. Sharing about her strong Faith. Encouraging us to be ‘Empowered in our Skin!‘ JOIN US for some powerful conversations about Faith, the fruits of…

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After the Hurricane and Storm

Today on See Hear Love – we feature a very special WEB EXCLUSIVE for our #MotivationalMonday episode! A week ago, Host Melinda Estabrooks​ was in Florida with three dynamic Canadian women leaders (one a CEO, one a pastor and one a psychologist) … and taped a special show titled ‘After the Hurricane and Storm.’ These…

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After the Storm

When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm.  – Mark 4:39 It was a milestone birthday for Yonge Street Mission CEO Angie Draskovic. And having just come through a season of trials, she wanted to celebrate. She,…

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God in My Corner

So, I taped a couple of shows for See Hear Love last week.      I’ve done some radio in the last couple of years, but I’ve not done anything filmed in a loooong time. I was all, Am I moving my hands too much? Because the minute the filming light went on, I remembered I used to…

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The Broken Way

Join Host, Melinda Estabrooks and the See Hear Love team as they welcome Special Guest, Jennifer Lawrence, to the show. This show is all about BROKENNESS. How God speaks to us in our brokenness, how God is with us in our brokenness, what our mindest should be in this time, that brokenness can lead to…

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Things We Wished We Had Learned in Our 20’s

Have you ever asked this question when you’re out for dinner with friends or as you’re writing in your journal on a beach in Bali? Things I wish I had learned .. or regrets I wish I never had … or the best advice you heard when you were in your 20’s? Well the team…

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Be Strong and of Good Courage

Be Strong and of Good Courage … do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes wih you. He will not leave you nor forsake you! Deut. 31:6 – WOW! Host Melinda Estabrooks and the See Hear Love Team share about their courageous moments, why…

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