Love & Immigration

What is real love? God is love. What does love look like? It’s described in the Bible. Here’s one example: “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were…

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Self Image: Taking Inventory

I remember when I was in Grade 7 gym class, another girl said in the change room that I had chicken legs and for then until about 20 years old, I didn’t wear shorts in the summer. Then it began to dawn on me that actually my legs were fine, actually more than fine, and…

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The Reality Of Being A Christian

In recent months, there’s this story that Jesus tells that has been challenging me, chewing at me, and changing me. He’s talking about this new Kingdom he’s ushering in; those who will be part of it and those who will not be welcome. The surprise in the story is that it’s not the religious people…

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If You Like the Way You Look That Much…

“If you like the way you look that much Then baby, you should go and love yourself.” Justin Bieber, telling it like it is. There comes a point where loving yourself and self care can become selfish. Self absorbed. Self involved. Jesus talks about “loving your neighbour as yourself”, so we can understand that we…

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It’s Not Your Fault: Forgiveness, Matt Damon, and EMDR

If you haven’t see our recent SHL episode about Forgiveness, it’s definitely one that is worth a watch. I just re-watched it myself to write this post, and the conversation about forgiveness, healing, and letting go of things from our past is incredibly important for us all, particularly in the climate of things swirling in…

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How to Make Your Priorities a Priority

It’s amazing how much of our life we spend scurrying about, swayed by the events of the day, the demands of work, and pleasing the expectations of other people. We can get to the end of a day, a week, a month, a year, or tragically- a lifetime, and wonder why so many of the…

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To the Naysayers

Hey there all you naysayers, you pessimists, you downtrodden, you complainers, you doomsdayers, you grumpy grumps. I’ve got news for you. There’s a lot of things to be hopeful about in 2017. I know, I know. You’ll point to the news, and talk of terrible wars + diseases spreading + political divisions + poverty stagnating…

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