We Need To Do Life Together

I love to make and develop games. If you’re older than 50, you might know these as “parlour games.”

A recent parlour game that I played, was where all participants had to secretly write on a piece of paper, the answer to this question:

If you were to write the title for a book about your life, what would be your title?

The answers were read out loud, and all participants had to guess who wrote each title. There were answers  like “How To Be Perfect” and we all laughed and made our guesses. But, when my title was read by the facilitator, everyone in the room guessed mine correctly. My self-imposed title was How to Tell People What To Do.  Yes, I am bossy.

And, I am also a wife, mom, nana, and the Executive Director for New Life Girls’ Home. I spend my life telling people what to do, but Mentoring, that’s different. Mentoring is using your scrapes and bruises to forewarn the younger, less experienced. It is also using your strengths, talents, and experiences to guide others and to share your wisdom.

That’s why it was a real joy being a guest on See Hear Love and chatting with the ladies about Mentorship.

We only get one life. This life is super tough, super sad, super great and super challenging and navigating it successfully does take support.

At New Life Girls’ Home we teach our students that we need to do life together. We are not alone in our sorrow or joys. Our Mentorship focuses on relationship building. Relationally we are broken, but with good training and teaching, role models and intentional mentoring- relationally we can be healed.

Our hope is in the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we can be prayerfully either look to be mentored or mentor one another.

Just for fun, what would the title of your book be?

Dawn Bailey-Elbourne is the Interim Executive Director of New Life Girls’ Home, Canada. Dawn seeks to empower the lives of young women. Her show airs on July 2nd, 2018 on Yes TV. 

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