You Are Valuable by Brenda Drost

This week I had the awesome opportunity to share my story and some encouraging words with the gals over at See Hear Love. It had been a while since someone had asked me about how I came to really surrender my life to Christ.  It took me back to the day… a marked day in my life… that I will never forget.  The day I walked away from living for myself and gave everything into the hands of a living Saviour.

Since that day, I’ve never looked back and Jesus has been oh so patient and kind to lead me into the plans and purposes he had designed for me long before I was born.

Sharing my story brought back to mind these powerful words someone spoke to me over 25 years ago… You are valuable to God. I was just 19 but I had already made a disaster out of my life trying to do things my own way. I believed a lie deep in my soul that God would not take me back. I couldn’t believe his grace was big enough to cover my mistakes.

I knew that woman wasn’t saying something she made up, but that this was a message for me straight from the heart of God. It spoke directly to my situation and that one line changed the course of my life.

Maybe today you need to hear that you are valuable to God too.

Because you are.

He decided that when he paid the ultimate price for your life. And because he redeems every thing that is surrendered to him, your story could be a very valuable asset in the hands of God. It truly does not matter where you’ve been or what you’ve done with your life up to this point… all that matters is a fully surrendered heart.

I don’t know who needed to hear this today or why… But God loves you just as you are and you have great value to Him!

Want more?  Watch the video devotional.


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