Unconditional Love

Unconditional Love – 1 John 4: 17-19

This is a powerful portion of scripture because it clearly shows the power that love has to overcome fear.

The contrast made about fear causing torment is something everyone can relate to. No matter who you are, we all have experienced fear at some point in our lives. A young child being separated from a parent for the first time, a woman experiencing domestic abuse, a man losing a job, a young adult receiving a diagnosis of cancer, your landlord telling you to move out with very short notice, fear of growing old alone…these are just a couple examples. We feel we have no control over the situation or circumstance presented to us in that initial moment.

One might ask the question, “how does love cast out fear?” What is perfect love?”  Both are very good questions and there are practical examples of them in our daily lives.  I don’t think any of us see it like that until we are made to stop and think.

When a child has a bad dream during the night and calls to his/her mom or dad to come to the rescue, the first thing a parent does is respond with an embrace, then reassures them that everything is going to be okay. The parent might even lie down in their bed until the child falls back asleep or turns on the night light.

Christ does that and more by loving us unconditionally. He gave His life so we might have life. He then fills our hearts with His love as we surrender to Him and calls us to share that love with the marginalized, the broken and the wounded. We are called as followers of Christ to Respond, Invite, Support and Engage. This act of love and service gives hope and drives away fear!


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