Posts by tag
unconditional love
Brian Doerksen – Finding Hope Hidden On A Detour
Joyce and I started out as high-school sweethearts and we ended up being blessed with 6 children including 3 of them with special needs. After finding out that our first son had Fragile X Syndrome and would require care for a lifetime, we decided to try to have 1 more…
The Dance
Do you remember your first dance? Looking back on that moment, do you recall how it felt to dance with your partner that first time? For me, that moment overwhelmed me with a sense of vulnerability, intimacy, and loss of control. Being so close to someone, for a three-minute song…
We Love Each Other … Because He Loved Us First
One of my favourite lines in the Bible. We love each other, because HE first loved us. HE has shown us HOW to love. No excuses. None at all. When Jesus was on earth, His entire life was to show US how to live and love – the weak, the marginalized,…
Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love – 1 John 4: 17-19 This is a powerful portion of scripture because it clearly shows the power that love has to overcome fear. The contrast made about fear causing torment is something everyone can relate to. No matter who you are, we all have experienced fear at…
Why Church?
Karra Overholt – Guest Host A Canadian wide study was done a few years a go (around 2012) called Hemorrhaging Faith, about why people are leaving the Church. Out of that research emerged a booklet, Transfusing Life, for youth and young adult pastors on why people leave, but also why…