The Bible Is Where We Live

What a show today! We had our very first Guest-Host today on See, Hear, Love! Our team was so grateful to welcome Michelle Peters from the Gideons to the set today. Gideons International in Canada/Share Word Global is one of our partners and premium sponsors with See, Hear, Love. They caught the vision and are dreaming with us for this venture of our women’s web show. We are so grateful for them.

Today’s verse is from Philippians 2:14-16:

 ‘ Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.’

We are reading this verse on air today using the New Life Bible app produced by the Gideons. We love how Cheryl has coined the term ‘Hope in your pocket’ for the app. That’s exactly what it is. The Gospel provides us hope.

The New Life Bible App also provides you with answers to some of life’s difficult questions, and can direct to you a local church in your area as well! We don’t believe anyone should do life alone, and we believe church provides a method of finding a community of support.

Joanna reminds us that this verse needs to be viewed as a part of the larger context of The Gospel.  We need to know the bible – be in it regularly and take this instruction from Phillipians chapter 2 from the grace of the larger context of the Gospel. As Michelle added, ‘The bible is where we live…’ #Thisiswherewelive

Cheryl read us a version of this passage from the Amplified Bible that says, ‘Do everything without murmuring or questioning the Providence of God.’  I just LOVE that. It goes hand in hand with her reminding us to not have Spiritual Amnesia.

Make sure to watch the episode to hear how the ladies pick these verses apart even further. It is guaranteed to encourage you for your week to come.

#HopeInYourPocketclick HERE to download the New Life Bible app for yours!


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