No Mother is Perfect

Every Mother’s Day that goes by, I come to realize more and more just how blessed I am.

No mother is perfect but, in all our sinfulness, I know that mine is perfect for me.

In my older years, I have come to know this even more deeply. When I turned 25, I realized that when my mom was the same age, she immigrated to Canada and began an unplanned life of unexpected challenges, struggles and a lot of God’s grace. When she was 28, she had two children (my brother and I) and was raising a young family (with my dad) in the east end of Toronto, with very limited English, literally on the other side of the world from her own mom. Despite this, my memory of my childhood is of love, joy and a lot of happiness. She was ten years younger than I am today. I don’t know if I could do that even now.  

I’m humbled by my mom’s strength, resilience, faith, fortitude of heart and soul.

I’m so proud of her too. I can honestly say that she is my best friend and I’m truly enjoying these golden years that I get to spend with her.

On Mother’s Day, I am so grateful to God for my mom.

There are, however, many for whom this day can be difficult. But no one has to be alone; we are, after all, called to be in community as the Body of Christ.

As we celebrate the women who were significant nurturers and mentors in our lives, how can we pay it forward? Who do you know that needs kindness, love, nurturing and mentoring?

May we love as He first loved us; may we be His agents and ambassadors of love to those who need it most.


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