I Need a Brain Transplant

I Need a Brain Transplant

Romans 12:2

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Some people say that Christianity, or any religion, is a crutch. That our faith is just something that we lean on and find comfort in because we are limping along.

Yet for Christians, we see in Romans 12 that we are called not just to a crutch to lean on, but an entire brain and heart transplant. The Christian narrative says that things are not just a little off- this isn’t “just a fleshwound”. We are actually dead without the new life that comes through Jesus.

Step one, is actually being humble enough for a minute to realize how dire our situation is without Jesus, and our desperate need for a Saviour. We get to the end of ourselves when all our ways of being “good” wear thin and don’t actually work very well to fix ourselves, or others, or our circumstances.

Step two. That’s when the real work begins. Except it’s not us who does it. As Romans 12:2 says, we need to “let God” transform us. We need to give our good and loving Father the keys to our whole self. To every room and corner and box. We can pray, “Come Lord Jesus, Come. Take all of me. Every part. I believe you are Good. Help me in my unbelief”.

He is not safe, but he is good. Oh he is so very good. If only we would trust him as the Master Surgeon, the Chief Physician to transplant our hearts and minds with new ones made after our true selves- the people we were always meant to be as those made in the very image of God.

Step three, (and then back to step two, and then sometimes a hop to step one, and then back to three…), we begin to learn the ways of God as more natural inclination and joyful living to its fullest, rather than fearful, prideful, selfish life of the past. We begin to actually have the desires of God has he transforms us, and people around us see Christ within us shine brighter and brighter. We learn to walk in step with the Holy Spirit, knowing where to go and when to go and how to go in the small and larger decisions of our day to day life.

This brain transplant is what I need. It’s what you need. And it will take great courage, dear heart, but it will change the world.

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