Loving Your S.H.A.P.E.

What I love about each episode we tape on See, Hear, Love is that I always come away with something that changes me. Something that makes me wiser…stronger….better in some way. This week was no exception. Having my dear friend, Jully Black,  in the studio was a long time wish come true for me. Like so many, I’ve watched Jully’s skyrocketing career from afar & cheered her on as she kept climbing up the ladder of success. Little did I know that God would cross our paths a few years ago & that a beautiful sisterhood would form that would inspire me deeply.

Jully is a petitioner of truth. She lives her life in the most authentic way possible…and demands those in her circle do the same. She wears her heart on her sleeve, loves fiercely and cares deeply.  Most importantly…she is a Woman on fire for God!

This week, I’ve been so challenged & inspired with her acronym for S.H.A.P.E (S-Spiritual, H-Health, A-Abilities, P-Personality, E-Experiences) that I wanted to share a few thoughts on the two that really resonated with Me: 

S-(Spirit):  It’s so easy for us in this busy schedule driven life to forget to carve out significant time to feed our Spirit. Our communion with God is the most important relationship to foster. Focusing on Zen is not it.  It’s really about digging into God’s word, praying more & creating moments to spend in worship. When we focus on God, we ourselves are renewed in strength. (Isa 40:31)

H-(Health): I must admit, this one had my saying “ummm, cheque please” in the studio, lolol. Health has always been a challenge for me but my motivation was reignited when Jully asked this poignant question: “ The bible says that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Do You want the Holy Spirit to be housed in a Motel 6 or a Ritz Carlton?”  Ha!!!  That one hit me so hard, I couldn’t stop laughing on camera. The truth is, our health is such an important thing for us to steward. Without it, all of our dreams, ministry aspirations & goals are hindered. It was in that moment that I decided to take control of my health (thank you Jully). Since then, I’ve cut out all sugar, meat & wheat in my diet;  The rest of my time is spent trying not to snap people’s heads off while I wait for these cravings to pass, lolol. I want to not only give God my best but be my best, in every way possible…so I’m in it for the long haul.

It really is a blessing to be able to bring this level of authentic discussion to women & men around the globe, through See, Hear, Love. Such truth…such life changing words, show after show!  I pray that the scriptures & thoughts we share are a blessing to You as well. My prayer is that these words of wisdom, and more, enrich & impact your lives for the better. To take a page out of the amazing Jully Black’s book….may we ALL be empowered in our skin and in our spirits as we live for Him!!

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