The Launch of a Dream

The Launch of a Dream

There are so many emotions that I’m experiencing as we launch our See Hear Love web show and website on International Women’s Day.

  • Excitement
  • Fear (that it’s not going to work .. just being honest)
  • Joy
  • Apprehension
  • Relief (that we’re actually launching today!)
  • Wanting to scream and dance around the studio
  • And .. soo humbled by the opportunity to give a platform for women and men to share their stories

It seems so appropriate that the timing of our launch coincided with International Women’s Day. And this year, IWD’s theme is #BeBoldForChange – a perfect alignment for us here at See Hear Love as we seek ‘to help forge a better working world – a more gender inclusive world.”
Our goal is to give women of all ages, ethnicities and demographics – a voice. A place for them to share their stories, to lend their voice for change and transformation.

This has been a dream of mine since the show, Full Circle, that I co-hosted, ended after a beautiful and successful run airing on National TV in Canada for seven years. That was one of the BEST experiences of my life. Sharing stories and listening to stories with my ‘Sofa Sisters’ of over 500 guests that we interviewed .. stories that were inspiring, challenging, informative and life-changing. I went through a total metamorphosis during those years .. I was a 32 year old, GEN X’er who thought she knew everything about everything .. I got married, I got divorced, I changed jobs, I changed homes all during those seven years .. and my co-hosts loved me through each and every moment. Praying, holding my hand .. and so did thousands of women ‘virtually’ over the airwaves on television and online. It was pretty magical.
And when the show ended, we were devastated.

But, God’s timing is not always our timing, though we want it to be most of the time .. and we hoped that the show would come back or somehow continue even sporadically.

But it didn’t.

And, so this dream of women on a couch connecting with women across Canada through TV and Conferences seemed to have come to an end…

But .. when God puts a dream in your heart and a passion and fire in your soul – WATCH OUT! You can’t be stopped .. and even though this idea of a Christian Women’s Web Show was rejected the first time it was presented .. when it’s God’s dream .. it WILL happen. It just may not be when or with whom you thought it would be with the first time ‘round.
This show is God’s. It’s not mine .. I just write up the contracts, produce the show, work with the teams, make sure people get paid .. I just make sure it happens.
God makes it work. God assembles the details. God inspires the guests and the conversations.
I believe with all my heart that God is in this.. and
I am truly humbled by this opportunity.
I hope you will be excited for us.
I hope you will pray for us as we launch.
I hope that women all around the world will be encouraged by our thoughts – in the studio and written online
I hope lives will be changed.
I hope women, just like YOU, will know that they are
JOIN US on an adventure of a lifetime .. and watch our very FIRST SHOW, aptly titled, The Launch of a Dream. 

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