I Know I’m Not Alone

What an honor and privilege it was to be a guest on See Hear Love!

I’m not going to lie, I was SO nervous about the experience!  Not only have I never been on TV, but I have only minimally shared about my journey with Bipolar.

When I was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2009 and at the height of my symptoms, I would never have believed I would one day be at a point in my journey where I could openly share about the darkest moments in my life.  I’m so thankful God is faithful and His plans are so much better than mine!  While I am healthier and stronger now than I have ever been, I am also deeply aware of my limits, and that living with a mental illness may be a life-long reality.

And I know I’m not alone. 

So many people struggle with similar crippling symptoms.  I’d like to remind myself and those who struggle along with me that it is ok to not be ok.  That life is really really hard and perhaps, on this side of heaven, we won’t get answers.  But what we do know is that God is good.  We have story after story of evidence that He chooses unlikely people to make strong in their weakness.

It is my hope and prayer that by continuing the conversation about the living with mental illness, the challenge and hardship won’t be down played, but that God’s goodness will always be remembered.

Lyndsay Thompson is a therapist and marathon runner. She was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2009 and is learning and growing through her mental illness. 


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