Hope in Your Pocket

“We who have run for our very lives to God have every reason to grab the promised hope with both hands and never let go. It’s an unbreakable spiritual lifeline.”  -The Message

I remember one time when I was playing hide and seek as a young child, I really needed to give up my spot for a quick washroom break. The plan was simple: identify someone who was already out that I could trust to keep my hiding spot secret, until I returned. After grabbing one of my best friends attention, I revealed my plan and made them swear to me that they would not give me up.  The usual iron clad bond of “double stamp” was not good enough for this mission. “Do you promise, triple stamp…no erasies, no take backs?”, I asked sternly. After a few moments of consideration, she agreed.  Only then did I feel safe enough to take her at her promise to come out and quickly return.

When I think of that childhood memory, I wonder how many times God has been in that same position with us; reminding us of His promises so we can feel comfortable to step out of our hiding places.  When I think about Abraham & the tough journey of faith he had, the Lord gave him a ‘triple stamp…no erasies promise. In order to assure Abraham that, indeed God would bless him and give him descendants, the bible says “since there was no one greater for Him to swear by, He swore by himself” (Heb 6:13). And that, my Sisters, is a promise with ‘no take backs’.

Abraham trusted God, took Him at His word & stuck it out.  In return, he received everything that had been promised to him! When God wanted to guarantee his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guarantee—God can’t break his word. And because his word cannot change, His promises are also unchangeable! God does not change, He is the same yesterday, today and forever!

You can trust Him to bring you through your journey & through every storm of life! You can trust God to go before you. He will fight for you and never let you fall. God will see you through every trial and circumstance! This is our great Hope! God IS our hope!

It’s so important that we keep that hope with us, whenever we feel overwhelmed or burdened with life. God’s word is life and filled with promises of love, protection, grace, victory, healing & provision. This is why It really fills me with a deep joy to know that we have been blessed with a partnership with The Gideon’s International in Canada!  We are excited to journey with them as we walk through our #MotivationalMonday scriptures and unpack the awesome promises of God.

Once I downloaded The New Life Bible App, I knew right away what it would be for hundreds of you watching…Hope in Your Pocket!

In this busy life we live that is constantly moving from minute to minute, it’s near impossible to bring your Bible with you wherever you go.  The New Life Bible App not only allows you quick access to verses that will uplift you but answers the very deep questions of life, that we all have. Please take a moment and download this FREE app to your phones, tablets & ipads (click HERE to download) and join us as we explore the inspiring and hope filled word of God.  It will be just the ‘pick me up’ you need in those down times.

I promise…triple stamp, no erasies …no take backs.  🙂                                

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