God Accepts You

I wish I could have written a letter, to my younger self that read,

Dear Meisha,

God accepts you.

Lots of Love,


If you are like me, you have struggled to understand how a magnificent God could die on a cross for you.

As soon as I was able to realize that I was accepted and loved by the saviour of the universe; my whole world opened up as if I was seeing colours for the first time.

Since then I have learned many lessons.

Here are THREE Lessons that I have learned:

  1. Prayer is a two-way street – It is incredibly powerful; we have a direct line communication with our saviour, and it brings us immeasurable peace. However, if we don’t sit in the quiet and wait on God, we can miss the clear messages God is offering.
  2. There is strength in your vulnerability – Coming from the ‘Destiny’s Child – Independent women’ and ‘Spice Girls – Girl Power!’ era I never wanted anyone to see my weakness. But God taught me that when I am weak; he is strong, and he will use my testimony of redemption to make myself and other women into a force of change for the world.
  3. You have a heart for children – I learned that I LOVE KIDS! I love to talk to kids about their lives and learn what makes them tick. In that I carry a burden to ensure that they all know that having a personal relationship with God is not only important it’s AMAZING!

So, if I could leave you with anything, I’d say this:

  1. PRAY and LISTEN
  2. There is power in Your weakness
  3. God has placed a burden in your heart, find it and make it your life’s purpose

Meisha Watson is the YES TV Host of Living Local and the Showrunner for Kids Content at Crossroads.

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