I feel as though individual motivation is the key factor behind engaging with Millennials. Each is motivated by some different purpose or passion. Personally, I am motivated by knowing that I’m making a difference. My main passion is to help women who are walking through brokenness or heartache, and even help them share their story where it might help others walking similar paths.
This, however, isn’t necessarily the job description of a steady paying gig. So…there comes the hustle to try to make money otherwise while still not selling ourselves short on the passion piece.
That being said, there are many things I would love to try, work-wise, in hopes that I might find something that will integrate the passion with the pay check. It also confuses me in the passion aspect in that there is more than one thing that might ‘ignite’ me. It leaves me wondering on the purpose and wandering to try and find it.
The generation before us, seems to have been more trained on the stability side of things. Find a good job, work hard at it until retirement. They found their purpose in the task at hand and passion might have been poured into the extracurriculars. However, that also led them to encourage us millennials that we could do ‘anything’ and to ‘chase our dreams’! So…just finding a stable job that doesn’t speak to the meaning of our lives won’t cut it anymore.
Now, Sue shares how she thinks many organizations need to be more open to the ‘millennial mindset’, but honestly, I know I could learn a lot from people who just know how to work hard and be consistent.
I bet you, if we could figure out how to pair these things, the world could be taken by storm. This also has opened my mind to maybe think I could be making the same mistake I’ve made in the past…thinking that something outside my relationship with Jesus Christ will be my ‘fulfillment’.
Maybe, it’s time to learn from incredible women like Sue and just focus on loving people first, and allowing God to take us to new places just by being faithful in this one thing, one of the greatest commandments given us.
‘“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40 (NIV)