How to Build Your Own Personal Board of Directors

How to Build your own Personal Board of Directors Based on my own experience and observation of other millennials like me, I think there are 2 large mistakes people make when desiring mentors. The first is simply that we don’t ask someone to mentor us, expecting that the mentor will somehow magically come to us…

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Trust Us With Your Story

Mentorship has meant a lot to me. It is a safe place when I need help working through my own thoughts. It’s a bank of wisdom I can go to when I’m confused about what’s right and wrong. It is what I earnestly seek in order to help find direction for my future. I have…

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Our Hearts Are The Same

Our Hearts Are The Same It never ceases to amaze me that our Motivational Monday focus is always just what I need that week. You guys…I think Melinda has a camera into my life or something. My favourite part of Monday’s show about cultural diversity with Tim Tang and the gals was that AHA! moment when he said…

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The Common Thread

THE COMMON THREAD On one fateful summer’s day in 1990, Marcia Shelton’s world changed forever. What started as a family camping trip with siblings & friends, ended in absolute tragedy with the drowning death of her younger brother, at only 23 years of age.  Marcia and her sister watched the catastrophic incident unfold right before…

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We Love Each Other … Because He Loved Us First

One of my favourite lines in the Bible. We love each other, because HE first loved us. HE has shown us HOW to love. No excuses. None at all. When Jesus was on earth, His entire life was to show US how to live and love – the weak, the marginalized, the unlovely, the unwanted, the…

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Q & A with Marcia Shelton – Families in Crisis

SHL: What does SEE HEAR LOVE mean to you in the context of your work? Marcia: See through a lens that is not bias, through eyes of Christ – imago dei, that we have to recognize brokenness but also see hope, hear truth, but just our own conclusions – Hear the voice of pain and fear and hurt – needs…

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My Deepest Fear

My Deepest Fear. Getting Old. It seems so ridiculous because it’s inevitable, but it’s been a fear of mine since I got divorced in my mid/late 30’s .. and I realized that I’m no spring chicken. That I really was all grown-up.  The difficulty about getting old is .. It’s  just .. the getting old. The…

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The Path Forward

The Path Forward It was just two years ago that I heard God speak to me clearly…in the deep forests of the Dominican Republic. It was a lesson I still carry with me today and share with those who find themselves ‘stuck’ in life. It was on a birthday trip, celebrating a good friend of…

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Fear Is A Liar

Fear is a Liar What has FEAR ever done for you? When has worry and anxiety served you well? Have you ever had a time where you look back and wish you’d been MORE anxious over a situation? I doubt it. Yet we are so often anxious and afraid. It’s been our response since the…

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It’s Not About The Bunny …

It’s Not About the Bunny… This past weekend, I was exiting a grocery store, behind a women with several bags, who was definitely on a mission to exit quickly and get to her car. I exited behind her, into the parking lot, taking a minute to look up and appreciate the afternoon,  I was suddenly…

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