A Peculiar Ethic Of Radical Love

The early followers of Jesus were obsessed with one thing: imitating Jesus. They made two simple claims.  First, they insisted that “Jesus is alive.” And they didn’t say it in a “scientific-proof-trying-to-make-converts” or a “Jesus-has-a-plan-for-your-life” kind of way. For them, “Jesus is alive” meant that Jesus was resurrected and so all of humanity got activated…

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We Know What Real Love Is … Imitating Jesus (Part 3)

So, how do we know what real love is? We watch and listen to Jesus. We pay attention to the people of zero social status who he healed. The subversive inclusion he preached. The children he held in his arms. The violence he repudiated. The favour he bestowed on the most unworthy. Jesus said he…

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Love Means Staying Put

When Benedictine monks enter the monastery, they make five vows at the time of their entry. One is the vow of stability. Unless the monk is told to go elsewhere by his superiors or by Rome, he must remain in the same monastery for the rest of his life. According to Thomas Merton, the monk…

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We Know What Real Love Is … Staying Put (Part 2)

What does REAL LOVE look like? What does it mean to follow Jesus? What will it cost us, personally? And, is it worth it? That’s our discussion on See Hear Love this week as we continue our series “We Know What Real Love Is …” based on the verse from 1 John 3:16-18 that says…

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Real Love Stays

Petra Kooman, from International Justice Mission (IJM), came on our show to talk about the real love described in 1 John 3:16 (NLT): “We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.” For Petra, love is…

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Love & Immigration

What is real love? God is love. What does love look like? It’s described in the Bible. Here’s one example: “He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing. And you are to love those who are foreigners, for you yourselves were…

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Our Story by Nigel Paul

In January 2009, God gave me two words: “move in”. It was a message for my generation to imitate Christ and literally move into the neighbourhood, specifically among the unreached, urban poor. I wasn’t endeavouring to name a movement, but we later became known as the “move in” people. That’s how we got our name.…

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We Know What Real Love Is … Moving In (Part 1)

Host Melinda Estabrooks, the See Hear Love team and special guests Nigel and Jessie Paul – Founder and Directors of MoveIn, begin a three part series focusing on the theme – WE KNOW WHAT REAL LOVE IS … based on the verse 1 John 3:16-18 that says … “We know what real love is because…

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Nigel and Jessie Paul – May 21st

Nigel & Jessie lead MoveIn, a movement “to see thousands of regular people prayerfully moving in among the unreached, urban poor globally.” They live in a high-needs community in Toronto, Canada, with their son Courage.

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