Mike Gordon: Ministering to Young Professionals

Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12 Don’t let speaker Mike Gordon’s youthful look fool you. The baby-faced guy in the beanie cap has…

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Finding Jesus in Mexico

Join Host Melinda Estabrooks, the See Hear Love team and our special guest Mike Gordon (www.mike-gordon.ca) as they discuss what it means to follow Jesus, WHY is it worth following Him, that life is all about relationships – loving God and loving others. Mike also shares his powerful testimony and HOW he found Jesus in…

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Hope in a Hopeless World

At YSM we meet people every day for whom our first task is to restore their belief in themselves and their hope for their future. That conversation often begins with the most basic exchange – around food, the one thing that we ultimately can’t live without, opening the doors to a suite of supportive services…

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To the Naysayers

Hey there all you naysayers, you pessimists, you downtrodden, you complainers, you doomsdayers, you grumpy grumps. I’ve got news for you. There’s a lot of things to be hopeful about in 2017. I know, I know. You’ll point to the news, and talk of terrible wars + diseases spreading + political divisions + poverty stagnating…

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Grounded In Love

Join Host Melinda Estabrooks, Co-Hosts Cheryl and Joanna along with our Special Guest, Angie Draskovic the President & CEO of Yonge Street Mission in Toronto as they discuss HOW to have Hope in a Broken World, HOW God can transform the human heart, WHY the scripture verse Romans 8: 38-39 encourages us to be HOPE-FULL…

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Remembering Your Roar

Today on the show we talked about Fiercehearted women with guest and author Holley Gerth. All of us are born with this little fire within us, a spark of fierceness and strength that needs to be fanned into flames. Yet often life experiences from our earliest days tries to stop this spark from building into…

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Fiercehearted: Live Fully, Love Bravely

Join Host Melinda Estabrooks, the See Hear Love team and special guest and author, Holley Gerth, as they discuss what it means to be a Fiercehearted woman. A fiercehearted woman looks life in the face and says, “You can’t beat me.” She knows love is a risk but reaches out anyway. She chases Jesus with…

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How Generosity Can Build the World – By Leanne Prescott

In the Dominican Republic, in slums pressed between vacation resorts, there is a café without tables, without chairs. You’ll never find it on Yelp. This café has a welcoming heart, even warmer than the Caribbean sun. This café is a woman. I will never forget the day we met, when she taught me about generosity.…

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Hunger Free in the Kingdom of God

For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. Matthew 25:35  Today is World Food Day, a day that honours the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945 and reminds us…

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A #HungerFree World

Why do we struggle with loving our neighbours? Why is it so hard for us to make room for grace for those around us? Why can’t we seem to find common ground with others? Why is loving God easier (sometimes) then loving those in need? How can we help ensure a Hunger Free world? Well…

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