From Fame to Farm: Embracing the New with Janice Nikkel

Our guest on the show this week was Janice Nikkel, blogger, mom and Associate Director of the Parent Family Network at Trinity Western University. Janice has led an interesting life as former host of Marriage Uncensored and she’s had several brushes with fame (she discusses her brushes with Bono and Oprah on the show.) But…

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Never Too Far from God

This week, we are continuing with the theme of the Easter series, the old is gone, the new is here, based on 2 Corinthians 5:17. We were joined in studio by comedian, playwrite, and actress, Diane Johnstone, who shared with us her life story. Growing up, and struggling with a broken home, partying, and drug…

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Bravery … For Such a Time as This

The theme this week on See Hear Love is bravery. Ironically, I composed most of this blog post from the inside of an MRI machine, trying to distract myself from my aching arm (the IV would not thread) and the noise (MRIs are surprisingly loud.) For me, it’s easy to be brave when things are…

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See Hear Love’s One Year Anniversary!

One year ago, on March 8, 2017 – International Women’s Day – See Hear Love officially launched.  Since that time, with God’s help, See Hear Love has broadcast over 120 shows with accompanying blog posts and online content. This past fall, See Hear Love was added to YES TV’s prime time television lineup, letting even…

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Do It All In Love 

February is the month of love! We celebrate romantic love on Valentine’s Day, friendship love on Galentine’s Day, and family love on Family Day, which is now a holiday in many provinces. On See Hear Love, we are also celebrating another kind of love: our love for our Creator. In Luke 10:27, Jesus commands us…

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Love and Obedience: Heather and Jeff Smyth

It’s not every day that you hear someone say that cancer was all part of God’s better plan for her, but that’s exactly what Heather Smyth believes. Heather was just out of Bible school when, as a 24 year old, she was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a type of cancer usually experienced by older…

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Marriage Truths with Ann Mainse

Faith Strong Today

As someone who has been married for just over a year in my second marriage, I loved Ann Mainse’s show, where she shared her tips for a great marriage. Ann and her husband Ron – who might be familiar to you from 100 Huntley Street and other programs on YES TV and has a daily podcast…

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Forgiveness (When It’s Really Really Hard)

Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.  – Colossians 3:13 When Melinda said she wanted me to write a blog post on forgiveness, I took a deep breath. Forgiveness has always been the toughest part of my faith walk. I’ve…

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My Favourite Show of 2017

We were asked to pick our favorite shows of 2017. And oh, this was hard! There were so many great ones. I felt so motivated by Jully Black. And so moved by the courage of Eryn-Faye Frans. I resolved to be more giving after seeing so many beautiful stories of philanthropy by our guests. And…

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The Lessons of 2017

O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God. – Micah 6:8 2017 was a tumultuous year. Between Donald Trump’s first year as US President, Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the shootings…

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