The Chaos Surrounding My Life

Peace is not the absence of chaos but the presence of a Person. As I sit down to write this, I am aware of the chaos surrounding my life. Numerous things left unfinished, amidst the storm of sickness ravaging my little family. I have a hard time finding peace throughout my day, especially when it…

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Pass The Grapes

We have all encountered a believer that just exudes a certain something.  We can’t quite put our finger on it but when they come in the room there is a disturbance in the force, and I mean disturbance in the best way possible. The air around them seems to drip with peace, joy, or love. …

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Take Courage by Hollie Taylor

“Take courage,” they say… “It won’t be easy,” they say.  So, then why do it? We hear this “Take Courage” phrase a lot and for many like myself, it’s easier said than done. What is courage? By definition it is: the ability to do something that frightens one; strength in the face of pain or…

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Taking Down Giants

You only need to watch nature at work to be reminded that God can use things that seem insignificant to accomplish great things. Termite colonies can spring up overnight and cause tremendous damage as they sculpt incredible gothic structures from clay. As a missionary child in Africa, I woke one morning to find one halfway…

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A Prayer To Cease Comparing

Lord, from the outside it looks like everyone’s lives are put together and mine is the only one falling apart. Jesus, help me to honour what I have been given, to cease comparing and give my attention to the people you have given me to love. Let me stop worrying about the rest. Holy Spirit, breathe…

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Meaning In A Digital Age

When I was young the trending home decoration was a bowl of perfect fruit…made of plastic. I first encountered this after our missionary family returned from the Congo where we loved fruit. Needless to say, I eagerly grabbed for a delicious looking grape to my mother’s horror. She gracefully leapt from her chair, grabbed my…

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Four Things Female Leaders Need To Realize

When I started my business in 2008, I began looking for a female business mentor. I knew I wanted to connect with someone who had navigated the seas before me, balancing a healthy marriage, family life, work, and the unique challenges facing women who lead. I came up empty-handed but I was determined and kept…

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I Know I’m Not Alone

What an honor and privilege it was to be a guest on See Hear Love! I’m not going to lie, I was SO nervous about the experience!  Not only have I never been on TV, but I have only minimally shared about my journey with Bipolar. When I was diagnosed with Bipolar in 2009 and…

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You Choose To Love

I have the blessing of having a beautiful wife (Michelle) to whom I’ve been married to for 15 years. We serve in ministry together (I pastor, she leads worship) and we have a blast doing it. We have great family, friends and have even been on a few “trips of a lifetime.” We have much…

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