Happy Father’s Day

Today and all week we’ve been talking about OUR DADS and God as our Father. We hope our conversations have inspired and encouraged you. For some, this Father’s Day is a hard day – full of pain and sorrow. For others, it’s a day of love and celebration. Please know that our Team here at See…

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Get It, So You Can Get It … Got It?

GET IT, SO YOU CAN GET IT…GOT IT? So let’s get the obvious out of the way….Marriage is a lot of work! It is a never ending journey of give and take. It’s a roller coaster ride of surrender, yielding & partnership. To sum it up, marriage is a ministry unto itself. I was reminded…

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This is Right Outside Your Door

This is Right Outside Your Door Have you ever been to a church or maybe a government building or monument that has dozens of flags from all over the world? If you’re Canadian, one of the first things you do is try to find the flag(s) of your country of origin, or the flag from…

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Heaven’s Rehearsal

Heaven’s Rehearsal Martin Luther King once said that “the most segregated time in America, is Sunday morning.”  As harsh as that statement may sound, recent research shows that churches in North America are not doing enough to change that. According to Ed Stetzer, Executive Director of a Nashville, Tennessee research firm:  “People like the idea…

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The Power Of Love

The Power of Love There was a time in my life when I thought the most powerful force on the earth was hate. In my early years, I witnessed firsthand, the destruction this force can cause in the lives, hearts and minds of individuals. During my teenage years, I can personally say, it was the…

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Compassion Is Not An App

COMPASSION IS NOT AN APP I remember when Melinda told us that we would be doing a series of shows to commemorate ‘National Autism Month, I was really excited.  I was excited because I knew the perfect person to have as a guest on our show…and that was the one and only Jam Gamble. Jam…

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A Voice For Autism

A Voice for Autism For children and adults with autism, advocating for themselves can be a huge obstacle; particularly for those who are non-verbal. They are a vulnerable sector of our community that need advocacy  from others who come along side them to see resources and education developed for the autistic community. This is what…

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Christ is Risen

Christ is Risen!  As we celebrate Easter today, we celebrate that CHRIST IS RISEN from the Dead! He is Risen Indeed! And, one of my favourite songs that I LOVE to sing during Holy Week and really, all year ’round, is this song, Christ is Risen by Matt Maher. Here are the lyrics to the…

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Abby’s Birthday Gift – Take the Pledge!

My Birthday Gift Hot and angry tears build inside me, and often escape to my cheeks anytime I hear about anything to do with human trafficking. Today was no different as I learned about Cyber Sex Trafficking from our episode of See Hear Love. Confession: My response is usually to look away, plug my ears,…

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Take Me To Church

Take me to Church… In continuing with our guest question of ‘See Hear & Love’ in their own Church contexts, Kassandra & Karra’s answers encouraged me to get out and do something. I just love how we covered seniors, youth, worship and communications in this conversation. Everywhere we turn, people are need to know they are…

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