Family Matters

When I think about this crazy journey called life, I can honestly say there are only two things that I trust with my entire being. One is ANYTHING that has to do with God, the Father. He is a sure foundation that I can build my life upon. The other is FAMILY. Now don’t get…

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How to Make Your Priorities a Priority

It’s amazing how much of our life we spend scurrying about, swayed by the events of the day, the demands of work, and pleasing the expectations of other people. We can get to the end of a day, a week, a month, a year, or tragically- a lifetime, and wonder why so many of the…

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Fiercehearted Book – BUY IT HERE!

Available to purchase from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and A Fiercehearted Woman . . . Looks life in the face and says, “You can’t beat me.” Knows love is risk but reaches out anyway. Understands kindness takes real courage. Believes the impossible. Fights like she’s unstoppable. Dares to find beauty in a ragged…

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We Were Made to Be Fiercehearted

When I heard that Holley Gerth was going to be a guest on See Hear Love, I knew I had to be in the studio to see her. I loved her previous books, especially, Do You Know You’re Already Amazing, and I wanted to hear about her newest book, Fiercehearted. Holley was charming and self-deprecating…

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God’s Faithfulness at Work: The Jefferson Family’s Adoption Story

God places the lonely in families; he sets the prisoners free and gives them joy. – Psalm 68:6 Photographer and Just One Fair Trade entrepreneur, Krista Jefferson, joins us this week on See Hear Love to talk about the beautiful story of her daughter’s adoption from Haiti. Adoption holds a special place in scripture. Galatians 4:4-8 outlines how…

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Loving Your S.H.A.P.E.

What I love about each episode we tape on See, Hear, Love is that I always come away with something that changes me. Something that makes me wiser…stronger….better in some way. This week was no exception. Having my dear friend, Jully Black,  in the studio was a long time wish come true for me. Like…

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Happy Thanksgiving from See Hear Love

“Happy Thanksgiving!” If you are like us, you might be having a little more trouble saying that this year. This fall has been marked by so many sad world events: hurricanes, earthquakes, terrorism, political divide, and joy-filled concerts ending in massacre. So many people are struggling personally with sickness, depression, the death of a loved…

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Suffering is a Gift … Huh?

Suffering is a Gift… Huh? One of those strange phrases that we say to maybe sound poetic or wise…right alongside, ‘everything happens for a reason…’ I have some trouble accepting these phrases. Why? Because I think they’re a bit too shallow…and only phrases that people who 1) haven’t gone through the hell you might be…

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Finding God in the Mess of Life

I was so excited to be a guest on See Hear Love this week.This show was actually five years in the making, which is when I first met Melinda.I had been a long time mommy blogger who had disappeared during my divorce. I decided to start blogging again shortly after Melinda had bravely told her story of divorce on TV. I…

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Wondering & Wandering

I feel as though individual motivation is the key factor behind engaging with Millennials. Each is motivated by some different purpose or passion. Personally, I am motivated by knowing that I’m making a difference. My main passion is to help women who are walking through brokenness or heartache, and even help them share their story…

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