The Power of Hope

Earlier this year the world watched an extraordinary mission to rescue 12 Thai boys and their coach, trapped in a cave in northern Thailand. It was a roller coaster of emotions as conditions worsened, the best rescue route proved challenging, a rescuer died, and the potential to bring them out safely seemed impossible. Before long…

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Hope Was In The Air

Co-Host Brooke reminds us that GOD gives us HOPE in our hopelessness .. and she brings us back to the Christmas story where HOPE was in the air that night .. when Jesus was born!

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Hope Has A Name

I love the feeling of the Christmas season. In the midst of the darkening days and the breath-catching cold outside- we can’t help but feel that the season is a bit…hopeful. Hope for better days ahead, for time with family and friends, for not just surviving but actually THRIVING in the winter season. This hope…

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You Choose To Love

I have the blessing of having a beautiful wife (Michelle) to whom I’ve been married to for 15 years. We serve in ministry together (I pastor, she leads worship) and we have a blast doing it. We have great family, friends and have even been on a few “trips of a lifetime.” We have much…

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Love Has Come To Us

Merry Christmas from all of us at See Hear Love along with special musical guests Mark Masri and Kevin Pauls. This show concludes our Advent season as we focus on LOVE and the birth of Jesus – Emmanuel, The Prince of Peace, The Saviour of the World! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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Love Came Down

God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. – 1 John 4:9 Merry Christmas from all of us at See Hear Love! Thank you so much for joining us! This is a busy time of year and…

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God Entered Human History To Redeem It

Advent is about waiting for God to act as He has promised. It is a lesson about God’s Providence. The dictionary defines the word Providence as “divine guidance or care.” From a biblical perspective, history is “His Story.” The things that occur in this life are a part of a grander scheme. The Bible teaches…

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THANK YOU to Our Sponsors, Partners & Donors!

Thank YOU for a fantastic FIRST year together. We couldn’t have done it without you! A HUGE shout out goes to The Gideon’s International in Canada/ShareWord Global, World Vision Canada, International Justice Mission Canada, Stronger Philanthropy, Yonge Street Mission, Tyndale University College & Seminary and Crossroads Media – for sponsoring our show. We are so…

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May Your Christmas Be Filled with Joy

“The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine.” – Isaiah 9:2 At the time when Jesus was born, the world was a place of much darkness. The Roman Empire had enslaved many people and heavily taxed the others.…

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