Brenda Drost – April 9th

By Laura Loopstra | April 11, 2018

Ever since I was a little girl sitting in church, listening to my daddy preach, I somehow knew that I was wired just like him. I didn’t know how or when, but I knew that someday I would follow in his footsteps. But life doesn’t always play out the way we think it will. I spent…

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Lessons from a Cadbury Creme Egg

By Jen Lawrence | March 31, 2018

I have a love / hate relationship with those Cadbury Crème Eggs. Like… I hate how much I love them. It is a really good thing that they only come out once a year because I cannot check out at the grocery store without getting one.  Not even one time. So, it might just surprise…

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5 Ways to Invite Friends to Church (Without Making it Weird)

By Special Guest | March 27, 2018

With the celebration of Easter weekend upon us, it is one of the last fledgling touch points in our post- Christian culture for unchurched people to engage with a Christian celebration. This means that more than any other time of the year, Easter is one of the best times to leverage the opportunity to invite…

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Bravery … For Such a Time as This

By SEE HEAR LOVE | March 20, 2018

The theme this week on See Hear Love is bravery. Ironically, I composed most of this blog post from the inside of an MRI machine, trying to distract myself from my aching arm (the IV would not thread) and the noise (MRIs are surprisingly loud.) For me, it’s easy to be brave when things are…

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Being Brave

By Cheryl Nembhard | March 19, 2018

Bravery… I read a quote recently that said, “She was powerful not because she wasn’t scared but because she went on so strongly, despite the fear.” – Atticus It hit me in the face. It challenged my concept of a brave woman. It may seem strange that such a simple quote would have had such…

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If You Really Knew Me …

By Cheryl Nembhard | March 15, 2018

You ever feel this way or is it just me?  Maybe it seems like nothing you do will ever be enough.  The tapes that play in your head say that if people REALLY knew what was going on inside you, they would lose respect for you.  If they knew you ate that second donut after…

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The THREE R’s to Loving Yourself

By Cheryl Nembhard | March 12, 2018

There’s an old story from the Polynesian Islands called Johnny Lingo and his 10 cow wife. It goes like this: In those days and in that part of the world, if a man wanted to marry a girl, it was necessary for him to pay her father a dowry. Usually the expected dowry was a…

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If You Like the Way You Look That Much…

By Special Guest | March 12, 2018

“If you like the way you look that much Then baby, you should go and love yourself.” Justin Bieber, telling it like it is. There comes a point where loving yourself and self care can become selfish. Self absorbed. Self involved. Jesus talks about “loving your neighbour as yourself”, so we can understand that we…

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See Hear Love’s One Year Anniversary!

By SEE HEAR LOVE | March 8, 2018

One year ago, on March 8, 2017 – International Women’s Day – See Hear Love officially launched.  Since that time, with God’s help, See Hear Love has broadcast over 120 shows with accompanying blog posts and online content. This past fall, See Hear Love was added to YES TV’s prime time television lineup, letting even…

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Family Matters

By Kimberley Mitchell | March 6, 2018

When I think about this crazy journey called life, I can honestly say there are only two things that I trust with my entire being. One is ANYTHING that has to do with God, the Father. He is a sure foundation that I can build my life upon. The other is FAMILY. Now don’t get…

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Group 164

About Us
See Hear Love’s mission is to create a safe space of belonging for Canadian women. We envision a world where real women, living an authentic life, champion other women to grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus.

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See Hear Love is a production of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.

Group 164

About Us
See Hear Love’s mission is to create a safe space of belonging for Canadian women. We envision a world where real women, living an authentic life, champion other women to grow in their faith and understanding of Jesus.

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Group 171
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See Hear Love is a production of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.