JOIN US as we journey through ADVENT this Christmas Season!

Join Host Melinda and her See Hear Love friends and co-hosts, pastors and worship leaders, social justice advocates and activists, best-selling authors and lawyers, actors and models and those who speak up for the poor, bloggers and leadership coaches… who will share inspiring stories, justice prayers, honest laments, songs, blessings and Scripture about HOPE, PEACE, JOY & LOVE.

What is Advent?

The word advent means coming, and during this season we wait, we prepare, we anticipate, and we long for the presence of God. In a blog post, Sarah Bessey wrote, “If Christmas is for the joy, advent is for the longing.” We all know that Christmas doesn’t feel the same this year; maybe you expect it to be your worst Christmas yet. But, if advent is for the longing, it might be your best advent yet. This year, you might be more in touch with your longing for hope, peace, joy, and love than ever before. We pray that during this season, as you tune into that longing and focus your attention on Jesus, you find your heart overwhelmed with hope, peace, joy, and love.

Making an Advent Wreath

Click here for instructions on how to make an Advent Wreath!

HOPE: The HOPE of the World is Coming!

Find Hope Resources Here.

PEACE: The Prince of Peace is Coming!

Find Peace Resources Here.