Taking Down Giants

You only need to watch nature at work to be reminded that God can use things that seem insignificant to accomplish great things. Termite colonies can spring up overnight and cause tremendous damage as they sculpt incredible gothic structures from clay. As a missionary child in Africa, I woke one morning to find one halfway…

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Meaning In A Digital Age

When I was young the trending home decoration was a bowl of perfect fruit…made of plastic. I first encountered this after our missionary family returned from the Congo where we loved fruit. Needless to say, I eagerly grabbed for a delicious looking grape to my mother’s horror. She gracefully leapt from her chair, grabbed my…

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Don’t Be An Alien

I was horrified the day our first child bit someone and, needless to say, I reacted in shock and disappointment. His adorably chubby baby face stared up at me as a pout replaced his smile and tears began trickling down his face. Unaware of what he had done wrong, he began crying not because of…

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