Our True North

The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – September 30th, 2021 The big question I ask myself today is, how do we imagine a reconciled Canada? I first came to Canada in January of 2017, at the start of Canada 150. As an American, I didn’t know anything about Canadian history, except that Hockey started…

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Nothing Fun Ever Happens Anymore

An arcade game displays the text "Game Over"

It has been a marathon 15 months since March 2020. We’ve adapted, overcome, pivoted, found a new normal, found a next normal, and done whatever we could to find new healthy rhythms of life. For those of you who don’t know, I am the person behind most of the clips you see on our Facebook…

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The Cure for a Calloused Heart

How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?     How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I wrestle with my thoughts     and day after day have sorrow in my heart?     How long will my enemy triumph over me? Look on me and answer, Lord my God.     Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in…

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Treasure These Things in Your Heart

Happy New Year! I know Christmas was last week already, but stay with me for a second. This Christmas, I was struck by the fact that there was so much hubbub and noise around the time Jesus was born. First, an angel appears to a priest, a young virgin, and a carpenter by dreams to…

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That Bright Land

“Today if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the Rebellion.” – Hebrews 3:15 This verse is my verse for the year. I usually don’t use the part of the verse where it says “as you did in the rebellion,” because it brings up the whole history that doesn’t…

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Resources for Dealing with Eating Disorders

Hello friend, If you are struggling with an eating disorder, or walking alongside someone who is, we are praying for you. We also want to offer you some resources to help you in your recovery: Visit https://nedic.ca/help-for-yourself/ for tips on talking to your doctor, choosing assistance, and for a \ helpline you can call. For…

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To Be A Champion

Women Champions I love the word champion. It has two definitions according to the dictionary. a person who has defeated or surpassed all rivals in a competition a person who fights or argues for a cause or on behalf of someone else Most of the time, the first definition is the one we use. But…

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Planting Seeds as Exiles

When we got David Kinnaman’s book, Faith For Exiles this summer, I knew I wanted to read it, and be a part of this conversation. Faith For Exiles is the result of 10 years of research with 18-29 year old Americans with a Christian background. It’s a follow-up to his book You Lost Me, which…

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The Heart of Gratitude

There are not many disciplines that come easily to me, but gratitude is actually one of them. Perhaps it helps to be optimistic, or it helps that I have so many amazing people in my life. People who have built me up, encouraged me, and taken chances on me. I have so much to be…

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No Border Between Us

The internet has connected me with people, music, movies, and pictures from around the world, and it’s connected us all in ways that has never been possible before. I have friend in South Korea, England, and India, and I can send them a message at any moment. And yet, it seems like people are still…

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