What’s The Story Here?

It’s the most powerful story you can tell. It can’t be undermined, disregarded, or opposed. It can be shouted from the top of a mountain, or whispered into a listening ear, and still have power.

It’s YOUR story, the story of what Christ has done in you. The strongest message you can share is a personal one. That’s why your testimony is so important—and everyone has one—because no one can refute what’s happened to you. No matter how simple or insignificant it seems to you, think back over what the Holy Spirit has done in your life and you’ll be amazed to see how God’s been faithful through it all.

#1 SEE

Working at The Gideons International In Canada has allowed me to see some incredible things that God has done. The gospel is catching like wildfire! A team just came back from China, and let me tell you—it’s exciting over there. Despite restrictions on sharing their faith, the church in China is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. They’re getting it, and sharing it, and it’s such a privilege to be a part of that.

One of the ways we want people to “see” God’s Word is to present it visually. That’s why we created Scripture magazines. They’re beautiful, colourful depictions of the gospel, and people can’t help but want to pick them up and look through them. There are several versions, Hope, Redemption (one for men and one for women), and Light. Each has been specifically designed to fit the context of its intended audience. These magazines are now in the hands of people all  15 different languages.


Stories come in all the time from people who’s lives totally changed after someone gave them a Scripture. Phone calls, letters, and emails with incredible testimonies are a regular occurrence. As I was writing this, a woman named Helen called in with a donation and began to share a bit of her story. She was at the hospital to give birth to her daughter when she picked up a copy of God’s Word. Within its pages she read of God’s grace and love, and it touched her. Several years later, she’s still kept it, as a reminder of her decision to keep passing that on. Amazing, Helen!

It’s happening here at home, and all over the world! I think of Thasa, a young woman from India who was introduced to Jesus through the India Light magazine. As she read about Christ and began to really know Him—not just of Him—she was immersed in His love, acceptance and grace. She now has a personal relationship with Jesus, and she’s excited to tell others about Him!


 We all have the opportunity to be a part of someone’s story; everyone has something to give! For Helen, she gave the gift of God’s Word so that someone might be changed by it like she was.

For you, maybe it’s a coffee date with a girl who needs a friend to listen and connect with. Maybe it’s looking after the kids while a busy mom gets some much-needed shopping time, or making a meal for a girl who’s under the weather. I know you have lots of talents—get creative!

Being a writer myself, I love giving cards. A couple minutes penning something sweet can make someone’s day! If you can think of a person in your life who could use some encouragement today, do head over to seehearlove.expressions.bible to order some cards. The “You’re Wonderful” card is designed especially for you to share with a woman in your life.

And I want to remind you of the greatest act of love, what Jesus did for you. It changes everything. For so many others searching for love and truth and purpose, they need to hear the gospel. When you have that life within you, you can share it with the lost and hurting.

When you’re saved by grace, your story becomes part of Christ’s story. It’s the most powerful story on earth.

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