We’re in This Together

We’re in This Together

We’re doing a show! We’re doing a show!!We Are In This Together

The darling Melinda is one of my dearest friends. I’ve had the honour of listening to her share her heart and dream and vision for a show for women for several years. She is passionate about life and friendship and women sharing life together. Here’s another thing about that Melinda – she will believe in you and see more in you than you can possibly see in yourself. She’s way awesome that way. In the many conversations about a show by women for women Melinda has so kindly always extended the invitation for me to be involved. She thinks I’m a far better writer than I am and she thinks I’m a lot wiser than I am and I sure do love her for it! And I’m very humbled and grateful to be here.

You guys – there are a bunch of awesome women bringing this show to you simply because they want you to know how loved and amazing YOU are. The more I get to know Abby, Cheryl, Joanna and Melinda – the more I love them and you will, too! They are a hoot and they are lovely beyond words – anyone who can belly laugh and extend grace and kindness are my kind of people.

So, here’s the thing – you won’t find me sitting in the studio with the gals – rather, I’ll be chatting with you mostly from my kitchen table in Nashville, Tennessee! (how does a Canadian girl end up in Nashville, eh?! It was all for a boy, you guys.) 🙂 Isn’t it great how even the miles don’t separate us? No matter where we call ‘home’, we can still do this life together. THAT is why this show excites me.

To share our hearts, and our hurts. To embrace the mountain top adventures, and the valley seasons. To laugh. To love. To encourage and lift each other up. We need each other, girls. You are not alone on this journey. There is no perfection here – just some real life. And a real big awesome God that year after year, day after day, moment by moment, is faithful and loving and true. We see you…the hard days and the good days. And we see Jesus and His outstretched arms grace. We hear you…the good and the bad. And we hear Jesus whispering His heart of love deep into our souls. And we love you…just as you are. And we love Jesus because He loves us all just as we are.

Come along with us, won’t you? Girls, friends, sisters…we’re in this together.

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