We Can Live in Total Freedom

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. As someone who grew up in a Christian home, I can often forget the gravity of this truth. While I was an enemy of God, God loved me enough to send his son to die on a cross for me. While I was obsessed with what other people thought of me, and did not care about God, Christ died for me. While I was constantly focused on the way I looked and found my worth in how many likes I got on Instagram instead of finding it in being a child of God, Christ died for me. While I was living in fear of everything and not resting in peace promised to me, Christ died for me. While I was deliberately walking away from God, Christ died for me. He died for you, too.

Christ died on the cross for our sins, so that we can live in total freedom. Because of this sacrifice, I no longer have to walk in shame of the mistakes I have made in the past. Because of this sacrifice, I no longer have to live in fear of anything, because my Jesus died on the cross for me to have eternity with Him. Because of this sacrifice, I can throw aside any insecurity I once had because I know that my worth is in the fact that Jesus loved me enough to die for me. Because of this sacrifice, I can live my life in relationship with my Creator. Because of this sacrifice, I am able to shift my focus away from myself and instead focus on loving others like Jesus loved me. Because of this sacrifice, I am set free to enjoy Jesus and live my life for Him, and that is a completely undeserved blessing.

Easter is a time to remember and reflect on this amazing truth, that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! His sacrifice on the cross gives us the freedom to pursue Him and show His love to those around us. So when you are enjoying time with family and friends on Easter, don’t forget the sacrifice Jesus made for you. Walk in His freedom. 

Celina Vazquez is a Virginia native, now a third year student at Western University in London, Ontario studying English.  She loves serving in campus ministry, teaching the Bible to other people, and spending summers working with kids at Forest Cliff Camp.

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