#WCW: Ann Mainse

Ann MainseDue to scheduling conflicts, our original launch day got pushed back a week…to TODAY! International Women’s Day!!! Clearly this was meant to be. On this Women’s day, it seems appropriate to begin with our first show highlighting one of our #WCW (Women’s Crush Wednesday) picks.

To begin this series, we unanimously chose Ann Mainse to crush on. The main reason is because this show would not be happening if it weren’t for her. We are standing upon her shoulders and the foundation she has built for women’s ministry.

Ann Mainse was somewhat thrown into the spotlight. She admits to absolutely detesting anytime she had to go on camera. Marrying into a family that founded a media company, the irony kind of makes me giggle. Then it happened, God asked her to host a show…not just be on camera but HOST! Goodness me…for someone not keen on being the center of attention, that is a terrifying ask. But, she obeyed and show after show she broke out of her comfort zone and helped share the love of Christ over the wavelengths.

Due to her obedience, Full Circle was born where our host, Melinda Estabrooks, spent many years alongside Anne in that spotlight. Here was the birthplace of Melinda’s dream to one day be a part of a Women’s Web Show. After her pitch was declined initially, three years later…today on International Women’s Day…this dream has come to fruition.

God is good.


  1. Ellen Graf-Martin on March 9, 2017 at 1:28 pm

    Love what you ladies are doing – and love Anne as well! Blessings on your venture!

    • Melinda Estabrooks on March 9, 2017 at 3:38 pm

      Hi Ellen ~ Thanks so much for your encouragement and blessings! We so appreciate you and the great work that you do in Canada! Thanks for being a champion of Faith Films in our nation – you are an inspiration to us! xo

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