
As Brene Brown coined it… #VulnerabilityHangover

We bared it all on our Wednesday show and today we are wrapping it up. I’m not going to lie, I appreciate the ‘lighter’ break of our Flashback Friday segments to help us balance out all the emotions.

(Hey – there’s 4 women here, sometimes 5, talking about…well does it matter? Regardless, with that amount of estrogen, emotions are gonna flow)

After showing off my adorable grandparents from probably over 60 years ago, I join the ladies in sharing my woman hero. Now, this was a tough choice as I have so many women in my life I could gush on. Every woman in my family for one, and then my many mentors and ‘aunties’ I am so blessed to have do life with. Frankly, I would not have been able to choose just one, so I went for a lady I’ve only recently learned about.

When I read Abigail’s story in the bible (1 Samuel 25), it was with fresh eyes that I understood her situation. Now there are parts of this story I do not like. I do not like that Abigail was married to an awful man. The bible is not clear on how things were particularly in their marriage, but it does say this in verse 3:

‘The man’s name was Nabal, and his wife’s name was Abigail. The woman was of good understanding and beautiful. But the man was bad and sinful in his ways. He was a Calebite.’

It leads me to believe that Abigail was struggling trying to continue to serve her husband while not being loved properly as a wife. For me, this strikes a bruise and makes me want to jump into the story, sit with her, hear her woes, cry with her and then rescue her!

She, however, understands how severely her ‘bad and sinful’ husband offends the King simply because he was drunk. She knew if he was in his right mind he wouldn’t have done so. Her whole livelihood, family, & possessions were at risk because of it.

Abigail takes it upon herself to reconcile with King David, which she does. She finds favour with him & he retracts his plans to attack Nabal.

Now, that was it for Abigail, as far as she knew, she was just going back to her life, with her awful husband – continuing to serve faithfully & do her daily routine.

But you know what?! God had better & bigger plans for her. I love that even though she was simply trying to spare her family & not ‘performing’ for anyone, God was watching and seeing how His plan for her was just about to get put into play. She was about to become the wife of a KING!

God sees what you do & he knows your heart. He has bigger plans than you just being stuck in a mundane life. I am not saying that in order to get out of it, God needs to strike your husband – (suddenly struggling to turn this blog into an appropriate ending…joke) – what I am saying is that

God sees your faithfulness …

… to the things in your life that may not even make you happy. He will reward you. Look to him & let Him lead the way into your glorious future as you take one brave step after another.


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