These Three Words

These Three Words by Karra Overholt

See, Hear, Love: Three incredibly powerful words that have the potential to change a person’s eternity! In my context, I get the privilege to work with a lot of junior and senior high students and it’s been an incredible adventure so far. I have come to realize there is a process to transformation, one that encompasses these three words. The process is this: first, people need to know that God, their heavenly father, Sees them, Hears them, and Loves them, right now, just as they are! They will not be able to fight lies, learn truth, or have a true transforming work in them until they have some level of understanding that He Sees, Hears, and Loves them. Second, they need to in turn learn to do that with God. They need to learn how to See God, to Hear God, and to Love God. Third, out of that experience with God, can they truly See, Hear, and Love people in a way that is most life-giving.

Out of these three words, though, God has taught me a whole lot about hearing Him. I started my journey of listening to Him by simply asking Him about how He sees me and loves me. Asking him questions like, “What do you like about me, God?”. My pen would hit the page as I wrote and phrases like, “My daughter I love your laugh” or, “I created you with creativity for a reason” would fall on the page as quickly as my tears. God was showing me He Saw me and loved me. After I learned how to hear Him when it came to me, I started to ask Him how he wanted me to pray for others. When I ask, sometimes He gives me a word, thought, or picture for that person. Occasionally I am led to share it with the person and the stories that come out of this are so fun, I love partnering with Jesus! One day I was praying for one of my leaders and I got this picture for him, I saw him carrying the world and needed to tell him he wasn’t in this alone. I sent him a text that day with the picture and he responded right away with amazement because he had told his wife the night before that he felt like he was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulder. That showed him that God, Saw him, God Heard him, and that showed him God loved him and hadn’t given up on him! It is a really fun adventure to learn to Hear God!

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