The Love of the Father

The Love of the Father 

As we approach this Father’s day weekend, we take an intentional  moment the be thankful for the incredible blessings that Fathers are to all of us. They are our protectors, our sources of wisdom, our best friends, our first loves & our sources of safety & security.  We thank God for the tremendous blessing of a good Father :-).

We also acknowledge those who grew up without a physical Father in their lives or those who have lost their Fathers that might find this time to be an emotional one. It is to you my dear ones, that I write this letter of encouragement. Growing up, I also found this holiday to be a difficult one to celebrate. The human need to be fathered is a deep one. The longing for a relationship with our Father resides in each of our hearts.

I write this to remind you that God’s heart beats with totally unconditional love for you, HIs sons and daughters!  His love towards you is perfect and full of mercy & grace.  His love is an overwhelming kind of love that He wants to lavish upon You! The bible says in 1 John 3:1 (NIV) “How great is the love the Father has lavished on you, that you should be called the children of God.”

We have all been adopted, as children of God, bought with a price….the adoption papers written with the blood of Jesus.

This Father’s day, know that the heart of God does not come to you as a ruler, king or judge in your life but as a loving Father with an unwavering love for you. His love is like an impenetrable fortress. Nothing and no one can take it away from you or get in the way of it. I love the Message version of Romans 8:39 that says “I am absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between you and God’s love!

So…. Happy Father’s day indeed! We are loved and cherished sons and daughters! What amazing news!!  My prayer is that you would be overwhelmed, surrounded and comforted by this same extravagant love…now and always.


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