The ABC’s of Generation Z

Move over Millennials.

There’s a new generation in town that will eventually lead us into the future. Get ready for Generation Z!

Generation Z’s are those who’ve been born between the years 1996-2014. For me, that means all three of my children (somebody please pray for this Gen Z Mom, lol). So it was very enlightening for me to have our guest, Kevin White, with us to discuss his work and learnings with this particular demographic.

Kevin White is a Youth Pastor at Cornerstone Church to the junior & senior high school students. He also mentors families by providing training and resources as well. Kevin holds a Master of Divinity degree in Youth and Family Ministries from Tyndale Theological Seminary.

We had the opportunity to speak about some of the unique issues that this generation is facing today.  As a Christian parent, I wanted to know as much as I could so that I could be properly positioned to pray & engage with my own kids. I can only imagine that there are other parents who feel the same way.

Here are some of the ABC’s of Gen Z:

A- Always, always, always…they are connected. It’s reported that Gen Z’s spend anywhere from five to nine hours a day absorbing media. They’ve never known a world without internet, tablets or cell phones. Google is their primary source of information & their preferred mode of communication is digital (social media and texting) rather than talking.

B- Brace Yourself…they may have seen pornagraphic images. Sadly, no other generation has had pornography so readily available at their fingertips. The act of sending and receiving sexually explicit text messages (‘sexting’) starts as early as junior high for some Z’s. For many, it’s wrongfully considered as a form of flirting.

C- Centred around a cause.  The good news is that Gen Z’s want to make a difference in the world!  They are a hopeful generation who are keenly aware of justice issues concerning human trafficking, refugees, racism, the homeless and more. This will be the generation who volunteer and have a heart for mission & justice. They will be more involved than previous generations before.

If you are a parent, we hope that you take a moment to watch our episode with Kevin White and be encouraged by our discussion. His message was simple but so powerful: Young people matter to God. He knows them, loves them tremendously and has a plan for them.

It’s our prayer that your children and/or your friends children will come to know this loving & caring Saviour for themselves in an authentic & life changing way.

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