Why the Stories We Tell Ourselves Matter

Stories are powerful. We tell them every day. They surround us and shape how we make sense of our lives and the world around us. Stories have the magical way of becoming a part of the very fabric of our lives: our memories, our feelings, and our sense of justice and faith But by far,…

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The Power of Asking ‘What If?’

Over the past 11 years, I have spent a significant amount of time in landfills around the world. (I know, I chase the glamour gigs, right?). I have worked with hundreds of people in those landfills.They are often stateless and vulnerable. They are always entrenched in the voracious cycles of poverty. However, they also became…

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He Is Writing Caleb’s Story

He Is Writing Caleb’s Story … Have you ever known something with your head, like intellectually, you comprehend an idea or a truth? Then something happens, its like a light goes on, or your eyes are opened and all of the sudden you really “get” it? It becomes something that goes from your head to…

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