Step Out Of Your Fear

Step Out Of  Your Fear

As I sat on my couch this morning and opened up my New Life Bible App to meditate on today’s verse further, I saw something new.

Now, this verse is a great one on its own to speak over many many situations in your life:

‘For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.’ 2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

As I mention on the show, reading that turns on my ‘power packs’. I know…it’s cheesy…but it’s the most accurate description I could come up with.

However, when you look at this verse in context, which Cheryl & Jo alluded to, you see another meaning that initially you might not. Let’s look at this with verse 6 included:

‘This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-discipline.’

Wow. I almost feel as though suddenly there is a finger pointing directly at me now – into my soul. Have I used fear as an excuse to not use my spiritual gifts? Yes, fear is a tactic of the enemy, but this also puts the responsibility on us to step out in our giftings boldly. Before adding in that first verse, it is a bit of a ‘okay, God, your turn, show up because this isn’t from you’ mentality. Add in verse 6 and suddenly I feel it becomes a ‘stop making excuses and start acting in what God has given you.’

Now they are starting to marry in my head…

Why would God gift us with something and then make us too afraid to use it? He wouldn’t, he doesn’t. The enemy – and our plain humanness – is behind that one. Yes we can pray for strength and power (although He has already equipped us there), but I think the self-discipline is the key. It is our job to step out consistently, one foot after another, utilizing the gifts God has given us.

Is it evangelism? Encouragement? Prophecy? Worship? Teaching? Whatever it is…what are you doing in the self-discipline arena to acknowledge what God has given you and that you might be the only one standing in the way. Yes, the devil loves us to stay in our fear, but so often we stay there on our own.



  1. Renee on May 8, 2017 at 8:17 pm

    Thank you for your post today Abby! I actually read the same scripture today in my Armor of God bible study by Priscilla Shirer and it really impacted me. So much so that I decided to reach out to Melinda today as I know she is seeking more women to share their stories. I then read your post and felt like what I heard God telling me to do was confirmed. Thank you, Renée

    • Melinda Estabrooks on June 21, 2017 at 9:19 am

      Hi Renee – Thanks for your comment here. We’ll be in touch shortly. We’re so glad you’re enjoying our shows and blog posts!

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