Remain in My Love

Eryn-Faye’s story is a phenomenal one. It’s one of incredible strength, resilience, and facing the unknown headfirst. I love how Erin-Faye shared so personally with us the things that she has gone through, the struggles she has had and how it’s affected her marriage.

One of the things that struck me was how Eryn-Faye said that one of the things she cannot go without was starting her day in meditation. She uses different prayers with different meanings and focuses to get her through.

Now we may be able to say that Eryn-Faye is courageous because she’s facing a terrifying illness – however we must acknowledge the fact that she didn’t really have a choice. She could, I guess, crawl into bed and just wish that it all would go away so that she wouldn’t have to go through cancer, but she is facing it head on.

That takes a lot of courage. Though, it is not in her own strength. Without being plugged in to the source of her faith – her hope – her strength would run dry.

This was super encouraging to me, and reminded me that while I’m trying to figure life out – trying to do all of these different projects in my own strength, that I’m not going to do it well. I won’t be successful or make the most of it until I’m remaining plugged into God. I have a tattoo on my arm that says ‘Remain in my love’. Initially when I got this it was to remind me that no human would fulfill me and the only way I would feel whole is to remain in Christ’s love. Now, I’m looking at my forearm and realizing that this phrase has a whole bigger meaning. It’s not just about remaining in His love to ‘feel whole’ – but now it’s about remaining in His love to ‘DO’. Do anything…work, love others, passion projects, serving, facing heartbreak or hardship. Wow – Lord, forgive me for forgetting to remain.

God is there for us, he will never fail us. But it’s up to us to plug into Him. It has to be on a daily basis. He promises to give us our daily bread. Not enough to get us through the next month or year or this trial – just today. He needs us to focus on him today. Every day. God isn’t going to force Himself into our life, and we will run dry if we don’t refuel.

Eryn-Faye said that her perspective has changed. She now is focused on building memories with her family and taking good care of them. As well, her morning time with the Lord has become even more intentional and important. Let’s not wait until we are faced with hardship…or until we burn out…to get this revelation. Let’s grasp hold of this now. Thank you Eryn-Faye for also helping change my perspective.

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”  John 15:4-5,9

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